Startup Preschool

Do you have a business idea? Do you want to start a business in Innlandet? Join Startup Preschool in Gjøvik to realize it!

During the Startup Preschool, you will learn:
-legal aspects of establishing your own company
-experiences of founders
-how to develop your idea into a business
Feel free to dm us with your questions!
Startup Preschool Gjøivk will be held thanks to the collaboration with NTNU i Gjøvik Innlandet fylkeskommune Vaager Innovasjon Minotenk – Minoritetspolitisk tenketank

Time and place

22-24th September,

Bright House, Raufossvegen 40, 2821 Gjøvik


It's for free!

Click here to apply

VAAGER innovasjon AS

Postadresse: PB 104, 2801 GjøvikBesøksadresse: Bright House, Mustad Næringspark, Raufossvegen 40, Gjøvik

Bygning 5, Raufoss Industripark 981 923 472 MVABankkonto: Totens Sparebank 2050 06 14448

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